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Musicologists held a thematic week at Maya Kuliyeva TNC

21.05.2023 | 21:25 |
 Musicologists held a thematic week at Maya Kuliyeva TNC

The annual thematic week of musicologists was held at the Maya Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory, which the organizers decided to coincide with the anniversary of the composer Nury Halmammedov. The celebrations began already in the spacious and bright hall of the Conservatory, which was decorated with portraits of the composer, and all guests were invited to taste the traditional food pishme, symbolizing hospitality and cordiality.

Teachers of TNC Jamilya Kurbanova, Bahar Yakubova delivered lectures on the life and work of Nury Halmammedov, as well as students at the opening ceremony. Their stories were illustrated by performances of musicians. Among them are such masters as Vladimir Mkrtumov, Stella Faramazova, Bibi Amanova, Amangeldy Amanov.

The teacher of the Department of Music History, Jamilya Kurbanova, is rightfully considered the best connoisseur of the work of Nury Halmammedov in the country. She wrote a solid musicological study that was published several years ago. She invited the audience to make a fascinating excursion into the past together with the students of the department, and recall the composer's childhood and youth, the periods of his formation.

The guests were shown rare archival photographs, as well as books, sheet music, publications and paintings related to Halmammedov. Among the guests were relatives, friends and colleagues of the composer himself.

The teachers of the Turkmen State Specialized School named after Danatar Ovezov also joined the performances of musicologists from the conservatory. The teacher of the theoretical department of the TSGS named after D.Ovezov Byagul Aydogdyyeva also took an active part in the events.

Bagul is the winner of diplomas in prestigious scientific competitions. She prepared a fascinating lecture on the vocal work of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Danatar Hidyrov. She spoke about the stylistic, genre, intonation features of the composer's music, which these days also celebrated its anniversary.

His skill D.Hidyrov honed in the walls of the Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory in the class of composer Konstantin Batashov, who is a great connoisseur of Turkmen music and the author of compositions on Turkmen themes.

In the works of the two composers, there is a clear connection in terms of the use of musical techniques, compositional solutions, the choice of genres and forms.

During the entire thematic week of the Music History Department, interesting events related to musical research and the activities of musicologists were held at the Conservatory.

Oktay Najafov

Photo: author

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