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Double anniversary: gala concert of the ensemble of violinists "Mukam"

19.05.2023 | 16:07 |
 Double anniversary: gala concert of the ensemble of violinists "Mukam"

Birthday "for a couple" or double anniversary - this is how you can call the big gala concert of the ensemble of violinists "Mukam", which was held in Ashgabat, at the theater of musical drama named after Magtymguly. The artistic director of the ensemble, People's Artist of Turkmenistan Harold Neymark, turned 85 years old, and 45 years have passed since the founding of this famous musical group.

The concert became not only a wonderful event in the cultural life of the capital, but also a meeting place for good old friends – colleagues and music lovers, fans of the unique ensemble "Mukam" and its graduates, already adult and accomplished musicians.

There were so many guests that it seemed that the auditorium could no longer accommodate everyone who came to congratulate the anniversaries. And it didn't matter that there weren't enough seats for everyone, even in the aisles.

The concert opened with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov's song "Turkmenistan forward and only forward!". The program included compositions by Turkmen composers Nury Muhadov, Nury Halmammedov, Chary Nurymov. Their works are always heard in the performances of the Mukam ensemble.


Compositions by foreign composers were also performed: immortal hits by Paul Moria, John Williams, a charming waltz by Eugene Doga, music by Vincenzo Chiara, as well as Maurice Ravel, Aram Khachaturian, Tikhon Khrennikov and Alexander Glazunov. There was also a joint performance with the graduates of the ensemble of previous years, which became a kind of symbol of continuity and connection of generations of musicians.

In his welcoming speech, the head of the ensemble said that being a musician, being able to express your thoughts and feelings through beautiful melodies, being able to sing about your Homeland is happiness. He also warmly thanked his assistants - concertmaster Maya Maksudova and teacher Gozel Seyitniyazova. Harold Isaakovich entrusts them with the most responsible and important tasks, the solution of many issues falls on their shoulders. Perhaps this is where the comic expression that Harold Isaakovich has two "right hands" came from.

Harold Isaakovich has raised more than one generation of violinists in our country. Many of the graduates of the ensemble are now working in different regions of Turkmenistan, some have organized their own ensembles of violinists. Therefore, the work of the master, the work of Harold Isaakovich is passed down from generation to generation, from mentor to students.

The renowned ensemble of violinists "Mukam" is the winner of many competitions and festivals. His work is well known outside of our country. To get into the ensemble is luck for any young violinist. In addition, it is a great honor for the country's composers to enter the ensemble's playlist.

Among the most beloved composers for the violinist ensemble are Nury Halmammedov, Chary Nurimov, Jeren Kurbanklycheva and Aina Shirova. By the way, composer Aina Shirova created new compositions, arrangements of folk melodies, and arrangements, which were repeatedly played at concerts, especially for the ensemble.


Harold Isaakovich himself personally appeals to composers with a request to create music for the ensemble, and new interesting compositions become the result of such a creative union. The repertoire of the ensemble is so huge and diverse that it is easier to name works that young violinists did not play. As for the musical directions, "Mukam" is a multifaceted collective performing music of different eras, ranging from Baroque to jazz and rock compositions.

The anniversary evening was held in a surprisingly warm and friendly atmosphere. New anniversaries and new creative achievements are ahead. The ensemble and its leader have many ideas and projects that are waiting to be implemented.

Despite their age, the ensemble, however, as well as its constant leader, continue to remain eternally young and "broadcast" cheerfulness, youthful mischief and optimism around them, delighting their fans.

Larisa Orazmamedova

Photo: author

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