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The first capsule hotel will appear at the Tashkent airport

11.04.2023 | 21:33 |
 The first capsule hotel will appear at the Tashkent airport

A capsule hotel with 27 cabins will appear in the near future at the Tashkent airport. The first hotel of this type in Uzbekistan will open in a new sterile block of the air harbor. Management over it will be transferred to a professional hotelier, reports.

The capsules will be equipped in the form of small cozy cabins with a full-fledged single bed and a minimum set of accessories - a lamp, a clothes hanger, a shelf for hand luggage, a table. In such a room, a passenger can stay for several hours during a transfer, without leaving the airport and without leaving the transit zone.


Each room will have an individual boarding invitation system. Also for visitors to the capsule hotel there is an information board, bathrooms and a shower room. The reception will work around the clock.

The capsule hotel will be designed in oriental style. Designers and artists working on the project tried to convey the authenticity and luxury of the East, while maintaining European minimalism and compactness in the capsules themselves.




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