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The Russian language will “reduce” taxes for migrants in Russia

25.03.2023 | 18:48 |
 The Russian language will “reduce” taxes for migrants in Russia

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia proposed to reduce the payment of personal income tax for migrants, depending on the level of knowledge of the Russian language. The discount can vary from 10% to 50% depending on the knowledge of the "great and mighty", according to the materials of the department, which were presented in the State Duma by the head of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Valentina Kazakova, TASS reports.

For migrants, it is proposed to "introduce a discount coefficient to personal income tax, paid in the form of a fixed advance payment, depending on the level of knowledge of the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the fundamentals of legislation." The discount will range from 10% for immigrants with basic knowledge of the language, up to 20% for an excellent level, and 50% for those who know Russian at the level of native speakers. This approach will encourage migrants to learn Russian, the head of the central office believes.

Valentina Kazakova also proposed to introduce a language rating and, if after the adaptation period (1-3 months) it is low, then oblige migrants to pay an adaptation payment. “If everything is fine with you, then your advance payment may decrease, if it’s bad, it may increase. It can be reset in case of committing certain minor administrative offenses,” she stressed.

It is assumed that in the future the personal income tax discounts and the adaptation payment can be restored, for example, through public works.


Photo: ТАСС

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