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Xi Jinping welcomes Turkmenistan to May PRC-CA summit for 'grand plan'

22.03.2023 | 03:58 |
 Xi Jinping welcomes Turkmenistan to May PRC-CA summit for 'grand plan'

The PRC and the countries of Central Asia will discuss a grandiose cooperation plan at the first China-Central Asia Summit. This is stated in the message of congratulations from Chinese President Xi Jinping to President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of Novruz holiday.

“In January of this year, you made a successful state visit to China, during which we held friendly and substantive talks, jointly announced that the Chinese-Turkmen relations were brought to the level of a comprehensive strategic partnership, as well as the implementation of the concept of a common destiny for China and Turkmenistan, which determined the path of development of bilateral relations,” Xi Jinping said in his message.

“I pay great attention to the development of Chinese-Turkmen relations and welcome your participation in the upcoming China-Central Asia summit in China in May. I hope to discuss with you a grandiose plan for the development of relations between China and Central Asia and Sino-Turkmen relations in order to achieve great results in cooperation between the two countries,” the holiday message says.

In January 2022, the leaders of China and the countries of Central Asia held a virtual summit to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the PRC and the five countries of the Central Asian region: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.



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