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Ex-Minister of Industry and Construction Production appointed Deputy Prime Minister

10.02.2023 | 23:14 |
 Ex-Minister of Industry and Construction Production appointed Deputy Prime Minister

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov dismissed Charymyrat Purchekov from the post of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in connection with the transition to another job.

Baymyrat Annamammedov was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister for Construction and Industry, whom the head of state dismissed from the post of Minister of Industry and Construction Production.

These decisions were announced at an expanded meeting of the government on Friday, at which the results of the country's development in 2022 were summed up, upcoming tasks were formulated and a number of personnel decisions were made.

Wishing the new member of the government success in responsible work, Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to continue work on increasing electricity production and building new power plants in order to reliably provide electricity to domestic consumers and supplies abroad. It is also necessary to develop "green" energy and build solar power plants, the president said.

Instructions were also given on the expansion of the production base of the construction materials and chemical industries by new enterprises, the development of a network of highways in accordance with international standards.


Photo: Altyn asyr TV channel

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