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Mahabat Department of the Turkmen State broadcasting committee has started publishing children's multimedia magazines

30.11.2022 | 14:20 |
 Mahabat Department of the Turkmen State broadcasting committee has started publishing children's multimedia magazines

Mahabat Department of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography has started publishing children's printed magazines with interactive elements for interaction through gadgets.

Magazines have a special QR code with which you can download and watch a cartoon, as well as get acquainted with the video or listen to the audio for the publication. Also, with the help of the magazine, you can download children's games for Android devices.

Управление «Махабат» туркменского Гостелерадио начало выпуск детских мультимедийных журналов

To date, three types of magazines are published — thematic, with questions for checking the level of intelligence, as well as for the development of logical thinking in children.

Thematic magazines such as "Healthy Generation" ("Sagdyn nesil") and "Let's Protect Nature" ("Tebigaty goralyň") are already available in retail outlets and online platforms of the country.

Управление «Махабат» туркменского Гостелерадио начало выпуск детских мультимедийных журналов

The publications are prepared using images of national cartoon characters, which are very popular among children.

— Our goal is to offer children a magazine that corresponds to our national mentality, values, and at the same time ensure their comprehensive development, — Rovshen Velmiev, Head of the Mahabat Department, commented.

Photo courtesy of Mahabat

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