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Constitution and State Flag Day celebrated in Turkmenistan

19.05.2022 | 18:17 |
 Constitution and State Flag Day celebrated in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan celebrated on Wednesday the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag of Turkmenistan. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the official festive ceremonies held in Ashgabat.

The crowded celebrations began on the square near the Constitution Monument, where the laying of flowers took place. The first to lay a wreath at the base of the stele was the head of state. Then the wreath was laid by the leaders of both chambers of Parliament – Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the Mejlis Gulshat Mammedova.

В Туркменистане отметили День Конституции и Государственного флага

The event was also attended by members of the government, ministers and other leaders, heads of foreign diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations, who were welcomed at the ceremony by the Turkmen leader.

В Туркменистане отметили День Конституции и Государственного флага

The same celebration with the laying of bouquets took place at the main flagpole of the country, where a huge banner of the National Flag rises.

В Туркменистане отметили День Конституции и Государственного флага

In honor of the holiday, a gala concert was given in the evening at the Ashgabat Amphitheater in Independence Park, the program of which included theatrical compositions, performances by famous soloists, folklore groups and children's ensembles.


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