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Yug-Neftegaz and Turkmengeologia contract aimed at increasing hydrocarbon production

28.10.2021 | 03:13 |
 Yug-Neftegaz and Turkmengeologia contract aimed at increasing hydrocarbon production

Yug-Neftegaz and Turkmengeologia contract aimed at increasing hydrocarbon production.

“The contract signed today by Yug-Neftegaz with the state concern Turkmengeologia allows to increase geological resources of hydrocarbons, which will lead to the investment attractiveness of Turkmenistan for foreign companies,” Igor Burkinsky, head of Yug-Neftegaz Private Limited, registered in Singapore, said in an interview with ORIENT.

  • We have been working in the market of Turkmenistan for 15 years, we are engaged in overhaul of wells, drilling at the request of "Turkmenneft". We also completed a seismic exploration contract for Turkmengeologia earlier, following which we signed a new contract for drilling 60 wells in the Northern Goturdepe field.

We hope that, based on the results of the fulfillment of this contract, we will continue - if such trust is given to us - to work on increasing oil and gas production in Turkmenistan,” Burkinsky said.


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