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International competition has been announced for a grant “Biodiversity Hotspot in the Mountains of Central Asia”

21.12.2020 | 10:58 |
 International competition has been announced for a grant “Biodiversity Hotspot in the Mountains of Central Asia”

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has announced an international call for proposals for a small grant “Biodiversity Hotspot in the Mountains of Central Asia” with a maximum project budget of $20.000 US dollars.

WWF Russia is the Regional Project Management Team and accepts applications from non-governmental organizations, community groups, indigenous peoples’ organizations, women’s groups, private companies and other civil society organizations.

The “Biodiversity Hotspot in the Mountains of Central Asia” consists of two large mountain ranges of Asia - the Pamir and the Tien Shan. Politically, the 860.000 square kilometers of “hot spots” include southern Kazakhstan, most of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, eastern Uzbekistan, western China, northeastern Afghanistan, and a small part of Turkmenistan.

Funding applications can be filed by non-governmental and non-profit civil society organizations, registered communities and civil cooperatives, as well as private universities. Farms can also apply for financing. Individuals have to work with civil society organizations and not apply directly.

For non-profit organizations of Turkmenistan, the project can be funded in parts by issuing grants in US dollars to individuals - NPO employees or project executors, payments can be made for equipment abroad and delivering it to Turkmenistan, etc., based on letters requesting such partial payment on behalf of the grant receiving NPO. At the same time, all field equipment, in agreement with WWF Russia, is transferred to the Nature Conservation Society of Turkmenistan upon completion of the project.

Details are in the attached document.


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