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An innovation sports week has been launched in Turkmenistan

04.12.2024 | 12:15 |
 An innovation sports week has been launched in Turkmenistan

The Turkmen National Students and Electronic Sports Federations, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the State Committee for Physical Education and Sports of Turkmenistan, have launched an Innovation Sports Week for students of higher education institutions of Turkmenistan at the multi-purpose sports complex of the Faculty of Olympic Sports at the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports.

The competitions in active, digital, and electronic sports held at the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports are aimed at discovering talented athletes who will participate in the qualifying rounds of the international competition "Games of the Future," which is planned to be held next year in the United Arab Emirates. The main objectives of these competitions are to strengthen friendly relations among university students, promote the effective use of digital systems, help increase physical activity among youth, discover talented athletes in these fields, and create opportunities for exchanging experiences in digital sports.

The Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports hosts innovative sports disciplines. These sports, which fully match the interests of modern youth, play a crucial role in the effective use of innovative technologies and artificial intelligence in the sports sector.



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