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Participant of “Kids Expo” - event agency “Rishat”

17.08.2024 | 13:38 |
 Participant of “Kids Expo” - event agency “Rishat”

The first international exhibition-fair in Turkmenistan “Kids Expo: everything for children” will be held from August 19 to 22 in the city of Ashgabat. The event was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan in partnership with the Turkmen Expo company.

One of the exhibitors is the Event Agency “Rishat”.

What services it provides and much more was told in an interview by the head of the agency.

What does an Event agency do?

An event agency is a team that organizes and supports events ordered by its clients.

What services do you provide?

In addition to animators, we work with various contractors: magicians, decoration, face painting, inflatable trampolines and much more. In general, we will find and organize everything that the children’s party market can offer.

Why should you contact the Rishat agency to organize a holiday?

First of all, this is invaluable experience in organizing events. Organizational processes involve a lot of phone calls, meetings, and you need to take into account a lot of all kinds of little things and nuances. Working with people takes a lot of effort and time, and certain issues are difficult to resolve without proper experience and knowledge of the system.

The Rishat agency provides a wide range of services, thereby simplifying preparation for the holiday. That is, the customer does not need to waste his time searching and calling. Our operator himself will offer ideas for the holiday. We also approach each client individually. The agency has a creative team that draws up the script and also comes up with something new, taking into account the age of the children at the holiday, the location, and the theme.

And at the event itself you don’t need to worry, our administrator will control everything. By the way, we are one of the few who introduced the administrator function at the holiday. By contacting us, a potential client insures himself against any unforeseen situations, in which case the agency always has a plan “B”.

Tell us about your team

We have a very cool team. We selected strong, talented, ambitious guys. Many professionals in their field: actors, artists, dancers.

What qualities do you think an animator should have?

Well, firstly, he must be artistic, punctual, neat, good-looking, and, of course, love children and his work.

What do you expect from participating in the Kids Expo exhibition?

I would like to tell as many children and their parents about the agency as possible. I would also like to meet new people from the field of children's services for further cooperation with them.

You can get acquainted with the guys and the services of the Rishat agency at the exhibition-fair, which will be held at the Exhibition Grounds behind the Garagum Hotel.


Photo: provided by the organizers

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