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Belet Film at the children's exhibition: Calmness of parents is our mission

17.08.2024 | 20:13 |
 Belet Film at the children's exhibition: Calmness of parents is our mission

Our goal: Children's safety and parental confidence

Dear parents! We are pleased to invite you to the children's exhibition, where our Belet Film platform will present its unique “Children's Mode” interface. Our main goal is to ensure the safety of children and the peace of mind of parents by selecting only the highest quality and useful cartoons.

In today's world, where the Internet is available in every home, it is very important to provide children with content that not only entertains, but also educates. That's why we carefully select cartoons that suit the age and interests of your children. Our experts review each video to ensure that there are no inappropriate or dangerous videos.

Advantages of our platform:

  1. Safe content: All cartoons are strictly selected and are suitable for children from 0 to 12 years old. You can be sure that your child watches only proven and useful materials.
  2. Multilingual interface: We offer content in several languages - Russian, Turkmen, Turkish and English. This will help your children not only have fun, but also learn new languages.
  3. Training sections: We have special sections with training videos in several languages. Your children will be able to learn languages in a fun and interactive way.

Advantages of the exhibition:

  1. Gift promotional codes: At the exhibition you will be able to receive promotional codes for free access to content for one week. This is an excellent opportunity to evaluate our offers and make sure of their quality.
  2. An interesting pastime for the whole family: Children can have fun at the exhibition, and parents will learn a lot of useful information about safe content for their children.
  3. Learning new things: The exhibition will give children the opportunity to learn something new, and parents will get acquainted with modern educational technologies.
  4. Informative: We will tell you in detail about all aspects of our platform, answer your questions and demonstrate how Belet Film can become a reliable assistant in the upbringing and development of children.
  5. Individual approach: Our specialists will be happy to communicate with each family personally to help understand the functions of the platform and select the optimal content for your child.

Our mission:

We are committed to creating a safe and educational environment for your children. We understand how important it is for parents to be sure that their children are watching only useful and educational programs. Our cartoons not only entertain, but also educate, helping your children grow up smart and happy.

Belet Film Kids Mode:

Our Kids Mode interface allows you to safely leave your child with the gadget without worrying about inappropriate content. You can set age restrictions and be sure that your child watches only safe and age-appropriate cartoons and programs.

Come to our children's exhibition and see for yourself! We care about the future of your children, offering them the best. Trust us, and you will always be confident in the safety and benefits of what your children watch.


Photo: provided by the Belet Film

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