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ChatGPT creator Sam Altman introduced a new project - a personalized health coach

12.07.2024 | 10:53 |
 ChatGPT creator Sam Altman introduced a new project - a personalized health coach

The creator of ChatGPT, a chatbot with generative artificial intelligence, Sam Altman, together with Arianna Huffington, introduced a new company called Thrive AI.

Thrive AI Health is set to revolutionize the wellness industry with the help of artificial intelligence by becoming a personalized health coach.

This coach analyzes sleep, diet, fitness, stress and social interactions to offer data-based recommendations in real time. The instructor will be trained based on scientific research, medical evidence, and in collaboration with institutions such as Stanford University School of Medicine.

Thrive AI's vision is to create a comprehensive health data platform accessible through a smartphone app or virtual assistant integrated with Thrive's existing products. This system will study your behavior patterns and offer recommendations for improving your health.

The company is headed by DeCarlos Love, who was previously responsible for the fitness and health business at Fitbit, a manufacturer of consumer electronics and wearable devices for fitness and health.



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