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DevFest'23 — knowing the speakers (Part 1)

01.12.2023 | 12:59 |
 DevFest'23 — knowing the speakers (Part 1)

It is already December, and this means DevFest Ashgabat conducted by Google Developers Group (GDG) in Turkmenistan third year in a row is coming closer. Within the framework of the upcoming IT conference, we start the campaign of raising awareness about the speakers of the festival and the topics they are going to talk on, in order to give visitors a deeper understanding of what awaits them on the major technological event of the year. In this article you will read about Ilyas Seisov, Shasenem Chakanova, Ilyas Kudratullayev, and Myrat Sahetgulyyev.

Meet Ilyas Seisov, an experienced Front-End Web Developer with over 7 years of hands-on experience and a Master's Degree in Computer Science. His passion lies in crafting flawless software products with aesthetic user interfaces. Ilyas has a global perspective on web development, having successfully worked remotely in the USA and Europe. His ability to adapt and deliver top-notch results across different continents speaks volumes about his versatility and understanding of diverse user needs.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Ilyas is a dedicated volunteer, sharing his wealth of knowledge on UI design, Web design, and Web development in educational centers in Ashgabat. His commitment to giving back is further highlighted by his engagements as a two-time speaker at GDG DevFest in 2022 and a GoViral speaker in 2023.

Ilyas's expertise hasn't gone unnoticed. He has been crowned the "Top Web Design Voice'' on LinkedIn. This accolade is a testament to the impact Ilyas has made in the web development community.

During DevFest'23, Ilyas Seisov takes the stage to unravel the intricacies of building Full-Stack Web Apps with React.js and Firebase.

Shasenem Chakanova is a first-class UK law graduate working in HR and the legal field. She is enthusiastic about education and loves volunteering in her free time. As part of her degree and day-to-day tasks at work she needs to analyse and think critically which is why her short talk is going to be about the critical consumption of information found on the internet. You might be wondering why anyone would need it. Well, with the rise of technology, the spread of misleading information grew rapidly and oftentimes, the technical means are blamed for it. The talk is going to show that media literacy is what is needed to tackle this problem.

In case you are not interested in the news and do not read anything on the internet, this talk is still be beneficial for you if you ever have to do research (students, that is for you!). Research is an essential skill not only to be used at the university, despite a common belief, but also because it literally propels humanity forward. It promotes curiosity which in turn brings progress forward. So, this speech is for curious-minded individuals who love to learn new things and thus, research.

Myrat Sahetkulyyev is a teacher of ICT at the specialized school number 97 of the Buzmeyin district, as well as the mentor of the "Oguz Robot" Robotics Club, which is famous for its international triumphs. The aim of the club is to attract young robotics enthusiasts under 18, mentor and share experiences together to lead them to success. This is precisely what Myrat is going to talk about in his short, but highly informative and interesting speech at the DevFest'23. Expect to hear why it is important to start learning robotics now and how relevant it will be in the future, as well as how can you participate in different international competitions as a part of the club representing Turkmenistan at the international arena.

Oguz Robot is also an official representative of the FIRST Global Challenge, an Olympics-style robotics competition organized by the International First Committee Association. It promotes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and careers for youth, thus, expanding their horizons and chances of success in the future. Oguz Robot is a great example of such success as they were able to triumph at the FIRST Global Challenge Olympics held in Singapore, Geneva, Dubai... So, if you are curious about robotics, unsure if it's ‘your’ thing, where to start and where it can potentially lead you, do check out this inspiring talk!

Ilyas Kudratullayev is a digital marketing specialist with over 6 years of experience, a certified expert in Google's contextual media advertising network, and a graduate of the GoViral Next30 Young Leaders of Central Asia program.

His presentation focuses on Google's Display Network (GDN) and Display ads, which enables targeted communication with potential clients through media ads. For instance, when they browse favorite websites, watch YouTube videos, check Gmail, or use mobile applications.

GDN includes over 2 million sites and mobile apps with quality content, covering around 90% of the internet audience, according to the corporation's own statistics.

This session will interesting not only for marketing professionals but also for an audience unrelated to business and advertising.

With this, we conclude the first introduction to the speakers of Ashgabat's DevFest'23. In the next part, you'll get to know Gulnara Saryeva, Jelaleddin Sultanov, Annageldy Esenov, and Allan Kazakov.

Register for DevFest and come listen to our speakers!

You can find more details about the event on the official GDG Ashgabat platform, where you can also subscribe to newsletters and community updates by creating a personal account.

Saparguly Mahtumov

Photo: provided by GDG Ashgabat

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