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Logistics professionals: cadres solve everything... when they upgrade their qualifications

25.10.2023 | 01:50 |
 Logistics professionals: cadres solve everything... when they upgrade their qualifications

A ceremony of awarding certificates to participants of logistics courses was held in Ashgabat. In total, 99 certificates were awarded to representatives of transport and logistics companies who completed a training cycle on such topics as container transportation, insurance in logistics and warehouse logistics.

The training focused on practical benefits for participants, obtaining specific tools for business development in logistics and included seminars and a series of unique master classes from experts and top managers of successful international companies.

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The courses were conducted by the representative office of the Royal Institute of Logistics and Transport in Central Asia (CILT, UK) with the support of the USAID Program on Trade in Central Asia in cooperation with the Association "Turkmen Logistics" (TLA).

79 students attended the training, some participated simultaneously in different advanced modules and therefore received more than one certificate confirming the successful acquisition of new knowledge and skills.

The fact that the market of transport and logistics services of Turkmenistan is steadily growing is also evidenced by the fact that today more than 150 domestic companies have registered in the TLA. Dmitry Yesaulov, a member of the Board of the Turkmen Logistics Association, said this at the certificate awarding ceremony.

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An integral activity of the Association, which promotes the interests of private transport companies both in government agencies and on the international market, is participation in the creation of infrastructure facilities and the development of new transport routes of regional and international importance.

At the same time, the Association is actively developing the educational direction, attracting many students in a number of training programs. Transport logistics is a rather complex area in providing professional personnel, as it is constantly evolving.


An international freight forwarder should, as a rule, possess information technologies, foreign languages, make the right economic decisions, understand transport and customs legislation, financial accounting issues, etc. In addition, the specifics of the work imply the presence of flexibility of thinking and the ability to continuous professional growth.

The dynamism of the industry is very high today – transport topics are present at all high-level international negotiations. Regions and the whole world are building new ways of communication, and the sector itself is undergoing a radical digital transformation. Therefore, the problem is not only in finding suitable personnel, but also in maintaining their high qualifications in a changing market.

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The situation in the international transport and logistics sector requires constant improvement of the educational level and professional competencies of the working staff. This is what the courses were aimed at, the students of which received the appropriate certificates today.

These courses confirm the fruitful cooperation of the Turkmen Logistics Association with the USAID Trade Program in Central Asia, between which a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed in March this year, and this laid the foundation for further partnership in the field of increasing the potential of the transport and logistics sector of Turkmenistan.

– Today we have gathered here to congratulate the participants of the courses and at the same time to create an informal platform for specialists to communicate so that they can share ideas and suggestions with each other, – Rustam Bekmuradov, country director of the USAID Trade Program in Central Asia, said in an interview with ORIENT.

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– The ability to set up live, human connections allows you to build a business more efficiently and promote your companies on the market. It is important for us to hear their opinion, what trainings they would like to undergo in the future, what areas to work out to increase the transit potential of Turkmenistan.

The USAID Trade Program in Central Asia, for its part, contributes to the creation of conditions for the maximum utilization of the resources of the transport system throughout the region. After all, transport, as you know, is the backbone of any economy, allowing trade flows to move and simplify the processes of commodity exchange.

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The significance of the current event, according to its organizers, is to encourage course participants for striving for self-education and professional self-development.

For the more informed specialists in this field are about current trends and procedures, the more effectively the export strategy will be implemented and the faster, more reliable, and better the delivery of goods to foreign consumers will be.

That is why the courses mentioned above are important! Since the cadres decide everything, but when they constantly improve their skills!

Then there was a buffet, during which informal communication of already certified specialists also continued.

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...As for the events expected in the near future under the USAID Trade Program in Central Asia, ORIENT reported that an event for exporters of fresh tomatoes and melons is currently being prepared, which will be held in mid-November. Earlier, at the request of this Program, employees of a well-known analytical agency conducted a study to determine in which potential markets these Turkmen products can be sold.

As you know, the USAID Trade Program in Central Asia also provides assistance to the Government of Turkmenistan on the country's accession to the World Trade Organization, and a special event on this topic is planned in December.

Therefore – we will wait for him too…



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