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"Turkmenaragatnashyk" and the leading Japanese supplier of network solutions are aimed at partnership

19.09.2023 | 04:55 |
 "Turkmenaragatnashyk" and the leading Japanese supplier of network solutions are aimed at partnership

A meeting was held in Ashgabat between the management of the Turkmenaragatnashyk agency of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and a representative delegation of NEC Telecommunication Information Technologies Ltd.Sti.

The Turkmenaragatnashyk Agency, as is known, is the authorized body for the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan, and the Japanese NEC (Nippon Electric Corporation) is one of the world's largest companies for the production of electronic, computer equipment, and telecommunications equipment.

The company successfully develops solutions for mobile and fixed networks, broadband and corporate systems, IT and Internet solutions. NEC has its representative offices, factories and research centers in many countries.

The Turkmenaragatnashyk Agency entered into a memorandum of cooperation with NEC Telecommunication Information Technologies Ltd.Sti and Delta Telecom Ltd at the beginning of July this year, on the sidelines of the international conference “Arkadag City - a city of smart and green technologies.” The parties agreed on interaction in the field of telecommunications, digitalization and communications, exchange of experience in the implementation and development of innovative technologies, in the field of cybersecurity and other areas.

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During the negotiations, which took place on Monday, September 18, the Japanese side was represented by company president Naoki Nakamura, general manager Cengiz Karabalyk, chief account manager Gultekin Yadigar and digitalization specialist Hasan Basri Demir.

A wide range of issues of mutually beneficial cooperation in various areas was discussed, ranging from joint production of products to the introduction of the latest technologies in key sectors of the Turkmen economy.

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Chairman of the Turkmenaragatnashyk Agency Khadzhimurad Khudayguliyev told the guests about the policy pursued by the President of Turkmenistan in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications, as well as the activities of the department he heads.

He particularly focused on the experience that Turkmen specialists gained during the construction of the country’s first “smart” city, which is a model city for the further development of telecommunications services in Turkmenistan.

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The Japanese guests listened attentively to the story of the head of the Turkmen department, carefully recording the main points of his speech.

“In the city of national significance Arkadag,” Khadzhimurad Khudaiguliyev continued, “close interaction between the urban environment and artificial intelligence has been established, which transfers many routine operations to technology, saving humans from them.”

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For this purpose, internal communication networks with a total length of more than 400 kilometers has been built in the city of Arkadag and GPON technology introduced, thanks to which every house and apartment is connected to a fiber-optic network and residents can use the Internet at speeds of up to 1 Gigabit per second, IP-TV and telephone simultaneously.

A 3G cellular network and a high-speed 4G data network have been deployed, and in the near future, 5G.

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In the city of Arkadag, modern LoRaWan technology has been installed and put into operation, which allows, using an intelligent monitoring and management infrastructure, to effectively collect and analyze data from thousands of network devices and systems. The Wi-Fi network covers public places in the city of Arkadag - parks, alleys, stadium, circus, library, etc.

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Smart City includes a large number of platforms and solutions. For example, the implementation of an intelligent transport system involves the use of exclusively electric public transport in the city and the use of computer “vision” to analyze traffic data.

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In the city of Arkadag, all main types of engineering, household and entertainment equipment integrated and operate under the control of computer systems. Fire alarms, gas leaks, water leaks, etc. are installed in all apartments in the city.

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The head of the Turkmenaragatnashyk Agency drew the attention of his Japanese colleagues to the fact that most software for Turkmenistan’s transition to a digital economy is developed and updated by local programmers. There are dozens of recognized domestic IT companies operating in the country.

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Representatives of the Japanese company, in turn, clearly demonstrated their capabilities to create an electronic government system as a key part of the electronic economy. During the presentation, guests presented developments specially prepared for Turkmenistan in the field of electronic document management of public administration, based on the automation of all management processes throughout the country.

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At the same time, the issue of how the system developed by Japanese specialists makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of public administration and reduce the costs of social communications was discussed in detail.

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A separate topic was the story of the Japanese experience in such an important system-forming direction of development of this sector as the implementation of the concept of “smart cities” as an innovative path of socio-economic progress.


Taking into account the project of laying a fiber-optic communication line between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, the possibilities of the Japanese company for laying a submarine cable were also discussed during the meeting.

Thus, during the meeting there was a mutually useful exchange of views on the possibilities of joint work. The Turkmen side was of particular interest in the vast experience accumulated by NEC in the development and implementation of e-government and smart city systems.


In the coming days, meetings are planned for the delegation of the Japanese company NEC in a number of other departments of Turkmenistan.



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