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Kazakhstan: Neighbor's news in a short line for 12 of september

12.09.2023 | 23:58 |
 Kazakhstan: Neighbor's news in a short line for 12 of september

Russian tigers will help. Amur tigers will be released into the wild to restore the population. But not earlier than in five years. Kazakhstan has been preparing a habitat for the possible introduction of the tiger for more than a decade.

The Ministry of Nature of Russia, within the framework of the agreement with Kazakhstan on the reintroduction of the tiger, will create a working group, the purpose of which is to assess the territory where it is planned to release tigers, to check whether there are enough ungulates there. The Russian side has also worked out a method of rehabilitation and reintroduction of tigers. The project is designed for at least 50 years.

Turanian tigers, which were found in Central Asia, northern Iran and the Caucasus, were completely exterminated in the first half of the XX century. It is believed that they were genetically close to the Amur, but somewhat inferior to them in size.

The number of accidents has decreased. In January–August of this year, road accidents were registered in Kazakhstan by 12.5% less than a year earlier. A total of 8.3 thousand cases of road accidents, reports .

Most often accidents were registered in Almaty: since the beginning of the year – 2 thousand accidents. Least of all – in the Ulytau region: only 42 cases. In January–August of this year, 11.9 thousand people were injured as a result of an accident in Kazakhstan, and this is 14.1% less than a year earlier.

The authorities will support car owners. With a significant increase in prices for fuels and lubricants, an increase in citizens' expenses for the maintenance and maintenance of cars is also expected. This growth will be especially sensitive for Kazakhstanis who own economy class cars. In this regard, it is proposed to abolish the tax on such vehicles, but to preserve the tax on cars with increased engine capacity. These measures are planned to be taken into account when adopting the new Tax Code in October 2024.

The growth of foreign direct investment. The main increase was in oil production, trade and the financial sector of Kazakhstan. Net inflow of foreign direct investment in 2022 increased by 83.1%, reaching $6.1 billion.

This year, the net inflow of foreign direct investment to Kazakhstan continues to grow. According to the National Bank of Kazakhstan, in January–March Kazakhstan received $ 2.5 billion from foreign investors, which is 44% more than in the same period last year.

The growth of cargo turnover of the seaport. About 1.5 million tons of cargo were handled through the Kuryk seaport in January-August 2023, which is 15% higher than the same indicator last year. Over 1 million tons were delivered by rail, and more than 430 thousand by road. In eight months of 2023, the port handled 480 ferries, over 13.8 thousand wagons, and more than 18 thousand cargo vehicles.

The transit of goods coming from China, the Central Asian republics to the ports of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and further to the countries of Eastern Europe and back is growing. At the moment, a grain terminal is being built in the port, through which up to 1 million tons of grain per year will be handled.

The design capacity of the Kuryk port is 6 million tons per year. But due to the drop in the level of the Caspian Sea, the task is to deepen the bottom of the port water area to continue the efficient operation of the Kuryk, which will increase the volume of cargo transshipment.

The small business turned out to be not so small. Astrakhan small and medium- sized businesses in the first eight months of 2023 concluded 27 export contracts with Kazakhstan for a total amount of 786.3 thousand dollars. And last year, entrepreneurs of the Astrakhan region signed 22 export contracts with Kazakhstan for a total of 1.071 million dollars.

Thus, as of September 2023, the number of contracts has already exceeded the figure of last year. Astrakhan small and medium-sized enterprises supply fish, caviar, flour and confectionery products, vegetables and fruits, canned food, food film and shoes, mineral fertilizers, polymer products to Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan will increase exports to Belarus. In order to promote exports to the Republic of Belarus, a preliminary list of 105 Kazakhstani non-primary goods in such industries as metallurgy, food production, chemical industry and mechanical engineering has been determined.

This became known during a meeting in Astana between the Minister of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan Arman Shakkaliyev and the Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus Alexey Bogdanov.

In 2022, the mutual trade turnover between the two countries reached $ 1.1 billion. Positive dynamics has developed over the 6 months of this year, the increase in trade turnover between the countries amounted to 1.5%, which is nothing less than $ 456 million.

Prospects for cooperation with Korea. Prospects of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea in the development of industry and economy were discussed in Astana. Experts from the leading analytical centers of both countries talked about how a favorable investment environment is being created.

Today, about 500 joint ventures with the participation of South Korean capital are already operating in the country. In addition, about 60 investment projects are being implemented, with a total cost of $ 4.5 billion. The Republic of Korea ranks 6th in terms of investments in the economy of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan–Albania: stable relations. Diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and the Republic of Albania were established on September 21, 1993. So this year they turn 30 years old. During this time, relations between the two states have been developing steadily and incrementally, which is clearly evident from the dynamics of trade cooperation.

So, if in 1995 the bilateral trade turnover amounted to only 18 thousand dollars, by 2013 it not only reached the $ 1 million mark, but also continued to grow further. By 2021, it has already grown to $5.9 million, and last year it reached a record 7.7 million.

By the way, the other day – September 6-8 – the official visit of the President of the Republic of Albania Bayram Begaya to Kazakhstan was held with great success.

Will the Prime Minister of Russia come to Kazakhstan? From September 25 to 27, the international industrial exhibition "Innoprom Kazakhstan–2023" will be held on the territory of EXPO in Astana. The purpose of the exhibition is to develop industrial cooperation, attract investment, expand trade cooperation and global exchange of experience.

The exhibition will feature key industrial companies of Kazakhstan, Russia, as well as national expositions of Armenia, Belarus, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, and Azerbaijan. The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Aibek Smadiyarov said that it is planned to participate in the exhibition of distinguished guests – the head of the Russian government Mikhail Mishustin and the Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko.

Pan Yue is expected in Astana. On September 17-19, a delegation headed by the deputy head of the Department of the United Front of the Communist Party of China, Chairman of the State Committee for Nationalities Affairs of the People's Republic of China Pan Yue will visit Kazakhstan, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan reports.

"This visit is of an important nature from the point of view of the development of bilateral cooperation in interethnic relations," the message reads. "During the visit, it is planned to hold a number of meetings with the heads of relevant departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at which issues of the development of interethnic relations and the exchange of experience between the two countries will be discussed."

...And also – Erdogan. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will pay a visit to Kazakhstan on November 3 and take part in the X Summit of the Organization of Turkic States, which will be held in Turkestan, the spiritual capital of the Turkic world.

The new head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Hakan Fidan, assured President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev that Turkey and Kazakhstan are not only brothers, but also strategic partners. And that Ankara is ready to support Astana in a variety of issues. And political scientists add to this that Turkey is important for ensuring the interests of Kazakhstan both inside and outside the country.

...Based on the materials of the mass media of fraternal Kazakhstan –



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