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New mosques to be built in all five regions of the country

04.05.2022 | 19:07 |
 New mosques to be built in all five regions of the country

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, at a working meeting held on Tuesday with the heads of the country's regions, approved their proposal for the construction of new mosques.

The proposal was made based on the wishes of local residents, - this was stated in the report on the meeting from the summary of the official chronicle of the day of the Turkmen State Radio and Television.

In particular, as the heads of regional administrations reported, it is planned to build new mosques in the complex with buildings for collective meals in the city of Anau (Akhal), in the city of Khazar (Balkan region), in the Ruhubelent district (Dashoguz region), in the Dovletli district (Lebap) and in the city of Shatlyk (Mary region).

Serdar Berdimuhamedov supported the proposal, noting that the construction of mosques is considered a noble deed, and instructed, meeting the wishes of the people, to carry out the necessary work.

The Turkmen state guarantees strict observance of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, including freedom of religion. And today religious buildings are called upon to serve to strengthen civil harmony in society, the continuity of centuries-old customs and traditions of the nation.

From 2009 to 2020, new buildings of the main mosques in the Mary, Dashoguz, Lebap and Balkan regions, as well as a mosque in the Parakhat-7 district of Ashgabat were opened. Turkmenistan also built a mosque in Afghanistan during this period (in the Andkhoy district of Faryab province) as a humanitarian aid to the people of this country.


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