Olives: an ancient delicacy and world symbol
Throughout centuries people were frequently connected with the concept of peace life with trees, after all they always were a symbol of force, greatness, longevity, energy and beauty. The olive which grows already more than three thousand years was rather esteemed. An olive tr...
Futuristic wooden cargo ship is being constructed in Costa Rica for green shipping
The impact of shipping on the climate is great and continues to grow, but a team in Costa Rica is giving way to a clean maritime revolution by creating a cargo ship out of wood. On the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, the small team is building the world’s largest environmental cargo...
Is sugar: a friend or foe?
Sugar is often called white poison, although itself, along with the products containing it, is not harmful. The question is what kind of lifestyle people who consume a lot of sweets lead. After all, this white crystalline powder itself is an absolutely useless food product. And i...
Birch fungus suppressed reproduction of coronavirus particles
Scientists at the Center of Virology and Biotechnology Vector in Novosibirsk have proved that the extract of the birch fungus chaga can inhibit the reproduction of new type of coronavirus particles in a test tube. This points to the fact, that an antiviral drug can be created on ...
How to lower the negative impact of change of weather on the human body
Neurologist, head of the medical clinic Vladislav Elinevsky in online lecture told, the seasonal fall of temperature and change of weather render how negative influence on weather -dependent people. According to the doctor, the state of human health depends on the quantity of ...
Oysters - mushrooms on one bush
Autumn is called a mushroom season, and it makes sense, because with the coming of wet rainy weather, nature pleases us with a generous harvest of mushrooms. Mushrooms are found within Turkmenistan both in the desert and in the mountains. For example, brown truffle grows in th...
Bloggers helped British researchers to count the population of kangaroos
From 2008 to 2018, red-and-grey wallabies, small kangaroos from the Eastern part of Australia were found almost a hundred times in the UK. This conclusion was reached by a team of specialists from University College Dublin and the University of South Wales. Initially, kangaroo...
Environmental destructions would be recognized as international crime: Ecocide
In December 2019, at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the Ambassador of Vanuatu to the European Union made a radical suggestion: make the destruction of the environment a crime. Vanuatu is a small island state in the South Pacific, a nation severely threatened by ri...
What is the weather for Turkmenistan in November
According to the Internet edition "Meteojournal", from 6 to 7 November, the territory of Turkmenistan will be under the influence of southern winds. A vast cyclone, approaching from the White Sea, forms a huge circulation of air masses that will bring warm air from Iran and Afgha...
ADB to launch Natural Capital Lab
In the wake of the coronavirus disease pandemic, governments, development institutions, and the private sector must work together to achieve a nature-positive recovery, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Vice-President Ahmed M. Saeed told the opening of a webinar on Financing Nature an...