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Green Idea – a Good Deed: Figures and Principles of Turkmenistan’s Environmental Strategy

21.03.2021 | 12:37 |
 Green Idea – a Good Deed: Figures and Principles of Turkmenistan’s Environmental Strategy

Turkmenistan’s forest program is as effective as simple. Every year, at least three million tree seedlings are planted in the country. This is minimum. And in 2021, Turkmenistan will plant 30 million saplings of trees and grapes – in honor of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.

The National Forest Program of Turkmenistan was adopted in 2013. Since then, tens of millions of trees, mostly conifers and hardwoods, have been planted across the country. Consistent steps in environmental policy are yielding positive results. From year to year, the area of forests grows, enriching the ecosystem of the country.

For specific information, ORIENT turned to the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan, which provided data on the volume of silvicultural and forestry-based enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection. Specialists of the State Statistics Committee prepared these data in two comparative positions – in relation of 2020 to 2015 and to 2019.

So, in the first and second positions, the area of land with completed tillage for forest crops increased by 35.4% and 25%, respectively. Seed sowing in nurseries increased by 15% and 25%.

Also, in 2020, seedlings of tree, shrub, fruit and berry and technical breeds were planted in the territories of the country’s schools by 60% more than in 2015. The volume of seeds harvesting of tree and shrub species increased by 2% compared to 2019.

In the composition of the species diversity, the share of thuja has significantly increased: in five years – by 60%, and in the past year – by 3%. The share of mulberries increased by 13% in 2020 compared to 2019.

The State Statistics Committee also noted that the volume of income from the sale of products and services of legal entities of Turkmenistan, regardless of ownership forms, engaged in forestry and other activities in the field of afforestation, in 2020 compared to 2019 increased by 53.7%.

The world community faces a difficult task – to leave a legacy to future generations of a planet that will be suitable for a healthy and fulfilling life. The difficulty is that it is usually easier for people to follow short-term goals rather than long-term ones.

Turkmenistan is taking very simple but effective steps that will significantly improve the country’s ecosystem in the long term and make it more resilient to the negative consequences of global warming and environmental disasters such as the Aral Sea crisis.

Following this simple concept, Turkmenistan consistently implements an environmental strategy that can be cited as an example to countries around the world. And the main thing here is the consistency, perseverance and commitment with help of which the government promotes environmental well-being. And these efforts will bear significant fruit. Gradually but inevitably.


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