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IMF assessed the macroeconomic situation and development prospects of Kyrgyzstan

14.03.2025 | 22:35 |
 IMF assessed the macroeconomic situation and development prospects of Kyrgyzstan

Analysis of the socio-economic development of Kyrgyzstan, discussion of current economic processes and development of recommendations to ensure sustainable economic growth of the country became the main goal of the meeting of the First Deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic Choro Seyitov with the mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) headed by Nikoloz Gigineishvili and Permanent Representative of the IMF Country Office Farid Talyshly. The meeting was held as part of consultations on assessing the macroeconomic situation in the country.

According to, during the dialogue, the parties paid attention to issues of tax and budget policy, investment climate, reforms in the energy sector and measures to combat corruption. Following the meeting, it was stated that the economy of Kyrgyzstan maintains positive growth dynamics, and the government continues to actively work to strengthen macroeconomic stability. IMF representatives noted the importance of ongoing reforms and expressed their readiness to provide technical support in key areas of development.

The IMF mission prepared analytical materials on the topics: "Potential Production Volume in the Kyrgyz Republic", "Labor Market in the Kyrgyz Republic: Problems and Policy Reforms", "Kyrgyz Republic: Fiscal Risks Associated with State-Owned Enterprises". As the source notes, the materials will be discussed in the framework of further interaction.



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