Russia simplifies registration procedure for foreign nationals
11.03.2025 | 10:25 |Russia has streamlined the process for foreign nationals to register their place of stay.
Foreign nationals can now independently submit electronic notifications of their place of stay through the Gosuslugi portal. This innovation, initiated by the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Russia, eliminates the need for foreign nationals to visit territorial MIA offices in person. Instead, after submitting the notification, the property owner simply approves it in their personal account on the portal, confirming the foreign national's residence at their property. Subsequently, the notification is automatically transmitted to the MIA's information systems, and users can track the status of their application.
MIA personnel verify the accuracy of the provided data and make a decision regarding the foreign national's registration.
This measure aims to simplify migration registration and reduce information processing time for police officers, thereby enhancing the efficiency of migration services.