Is sugar: a friend or foe?
18.11.2020 | 00:42 |Sugar is often called white poison, although itself, along with the products containing it, is not harmful. The question is what kind of lifestyle people who consume a lot of sweets lead. After all, this white crystalline powder itself is an absolutely useless food product. And it appeared as a sweetener in the life of mankind only about two hundred years ago. The main thing that the body needs from sugar, that is the final product of carbohydrate transformation – simple sugars, from which glucose is the most important for humans.
To replenish glucose reserves in the body, Olympic champion swimmer Michael Phelps absorbs almost 15,000 calories a day. This is five times more than the average healthy man eats. At the same time, his diet includes burgers, Coca-Cola and various sweets. He eats much more than the recommended 35 grams of sugar per day for normal health, but at the same time is in excellent physical fitness and does not suffer from diabetes.
Any trackman-stayer also consumes a large amount of carbohydrates, both complex and simple, and this is all glucose. And the result is rewarding. After all, an athlete needs a huge amount of energy and there is no time to wait for the body to produce the necessary glucose from complex carbohydrates. Therefore, athletes use sweet bars, sweetened drinks, and honey. At the same time, the athlete’s liver does not suffer, it likes glucose.
The average person who does not run marathons and is not a professional athlete should control the amount of sugar consumed per day.
Many people, comparing ordinary sugar with fructose, prefer the latter, without suspecting that it is more dangerous for the body. After all, if you overeat sugar, and do not use the calories that it gave, then all of this goes first to the pancreas, while fructose is converted directly into fat. Therefore, people who like desserts with fructose, especially in the evenings, are more amenable to intra-abdominal obesity: they store fat in the liver and internal organs, and this is a more dangerous scenario for human health.
Often people use sweeteners instead of sugar. The latter in combination with some drugs can give toxic effects, for example, they cannot be taken with antibiotics.
Another problem with replacing sugar with them is that when using substitutes, the pancreas receives a signal that now the body will receive a portion of carbohydrates, they do not come, but it has already produced the iron insulin. As a result, the person begins to get fat.
Therefore, it is recommended to use sweeteners only for people suffering from diabetes. Others should remember that substitutes are more of a marketing ploy by manufacturers.
To the question of whether the body really needs sugar, doctors give the following answer. The average person’s carbohydrate supply is almost three thousand calories. It lasts for an average of 15-16 hours of intensive work. Then the depletion comes and sugar reserves must be replenished, keeping in mind that it is not terrible the sugar itself, but its excess, unused by the body. After all, this residue then is converted into fat.
If a person leads a passive lifestyle, consumes a lot of sugar and sweets – firstly, this overloads the pancreas, and secondly, leads to problems with excess weight.
The more energy the body uses the more glucose it needs. It also concerns mental activity as well. In order for a person not to have problems with the sugar content in the body, experts recommend the following simple rules:
Walk an average of five to six kilometers a day on foot;
Do not exceed the daily sugar intake of 35 grams;
Try to observe the 80/20 proportion in the food ration, in which the amount of complex carbohydrates entering the body is 80%, and the number of simple carbohydrates is 20%.