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Trust Between Nations: The Role of International Organizations in the New Global Context

11.12.2024 | 21:50 |
 Trust Between Nations: The Role of International Organizations in the New Global Context

On December 11, a session on "Trust Between Nations and the Role of International Organizations" was held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The event took place as part of the international conference "Joint Actions to Strengthen International Peace and Sustainable Development," which was held today in Ashgabat.

The session was moderated by Kaha Imnadze, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Central Asia and Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.

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Among the speakers were Gulshat Yusupova, Rector of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan; Biljana Miloshevic, Head of the Regional Representation of the International Committee of the Red Cross; Serhan Aktoprak, Head of the International Organization for Migration Mission in Kazakhstan and IOM Coordinator for Central Asia; Amir Pirich, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office; Beata Andris, Regional Director of the International Labour Organization, and others.

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The session focused on the important topic of trust as the foundation of international stability, interaction, and effective cooperation between countries. Participants discussed key challenges facing the modern world, including climate change, migration, labor rights, and the development of cultural ties.

Special attention was given to the role of international organizations in ensuring trust between countries, promoting sustainable development, and strengthening peace. Speakers emphasized the importance of multilateral platforms for effective interaction in the Central Asia region.

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The event provided participants with the opportunity to exchange views and best practices, as well as to discuss specific initiatives that promote the development of trust and peaceful coexistence.

The session concluded with additional comments from participants, which deepened the discussion of key topics and outlined prospects for further cooperation.



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