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China daily: Experts unite to develop AI technology

23.10.2024 | 12:50 |
 China daily: Experts unite to develop AI technology

Last month, Dipuo Mazibuko embarked on her first overseas travel to China, where she was able to gain a first-hand assess the country's achievements in artificial intelligence (AI) and gain better understanding of the importance of cooperation with China and other BRICS countries in this field.

Dipuo Mazibuko, Deputy Director of Evaluation and Impact at the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies of the Republic of South Africa, participated in the Excellence Training Program on Artificial Intelligence Technology and Governance, which took place in three Chinese cities.

The program was organized by the BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution Innovation Center (BPIC) in Xiamen, Fujian Province.

“I took it as a great opportunity to come and study in China because I am interested in all the developments here, especially the development of AI technologies”, - said Mazibuko.

During her 20-day training in Xiamen, Hefei (Anhui Province) and Beijing, she and the 29 other participants from 16 countries attended lectures, seminars and discussions, and visited Chinese companies to explore the application of AI in government and various industries both in China and other countries.

Mazibuko shared that she was impressed with both the theoretical and practical aspects of the program. “China's practices and global AI developments and trends have opened my mind”, she added.

Mazibuko was particularly impressed by the role of AI in cybersecurity in China, based on the technology which helps to improve public safety. She emphasized that cooperation with China on AI is essential for South Africa to develop policies and standards, improve governance.

Chen Zezhao, Deputy Director General of the Office of the BPIC Leading Group in Xiamen, emphasized that the training program aims to promote international cooperation to improve technological innovation, empowerment and capacity-building of AI in BRICS countries as well as other developing markets. The goal of the program is to bridge the digital divide, promote the exchange and sharing of policies and successful practices among BRICS countries and other emerging markets in AI development. This contributes to strengthening mutual understanding and further improving AI technologies and management capabilities, as well as promoting collaboration.

Juliano Danilo Spuldaro, coordinator of the Business Research Program at the University of Western Santa Catarina in Brazil, said that training in China gave him insights at both macro and micro levels.

“What I’ve learned from the program is to think from the macro perspective of AI governance at the government level to a micro perspective of AI adoption in business and daily life” he shared.

Spuldaro highlighted the work of the Multi-Hazard Coupling Experimental Platform at Tsinghua University's Hefei Institute for Public Safety Research. He described how artificial intelligence can be applied to prevent and reduce disasters, emphasizing its potential to solve societal problems. As he noted, AI should be used to solve public problems such as disasters.

In this regard, China's technology can help Brazil to deal with challenges such as floods and forest fires in the Amazon.

Over the past few years, BRICS leaders have demonstrated their recognition of the significance of AI and other advanced technologies by reaffirming their commitment to their development.

In 2022, the Beijing Declaration of the 14th BRICS Summit called on BRICS members to jointly address the risks and ethical dilemmas related with AI, share best practices and develop a common governance approach that ensures the ethical and responsible use of AI.

Last year, the Johannesburg Declaration of the 15th BRICS Summit reaffirmed the commitment to strengthen intra-BRICS cooperation to solidify the BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution and create new opportunities to accelerate industrial development.

The BRICS Cooperation Mechanism is a vital platform for collaboration among emerging markets and developing countries, said Chen Zizhao from BPIC.

Last year, the BRICS established an AI Study Group to promote innovation and collaboration among its member countries. The establishment of the group formalized and strengthened collaboration among BRICS countries in AI, offering a structured platform for member states to exchange knowledge and resources. The group is expected to play a key role in shaping AI policy within BRICS.

Spuldaro noted that China has created the potential for leadership in the development of artificial intelligence technologies. Within BRICS, this role becomes even more important, as it will be difficult for most countries in the bloc to quickly catch up with current technological advances. He called for a solidarity mechanism that will bring together countries at different stages of AI implementation. AI cooperation among BRICS countries is not just about creating and selling technology. It is much more important to help other countries improve their ability to develop the technology. "We can establish partnerships with participants from other countries through recent training and exchange scientific knowledge through visits and communication" - he added.

Radik Shafigullin, Deputy Head of the Kazan Executive Committee for Financial and Property Affairs, underlined the need to pool knowledge and resources in the field of artificial intelligence. He, like Spuldaro, agrees that AI collaboration among the BRICS countries is at the initial stage. However, it can develop in key areas such as public health, security and climate change.

Shafigullin noted that Russia and China have the potential to develop new technologies. He emphasized the importance of a unified approach among the BRICS countries: “We should move in the same direction and avoid competing with each other. We need to embrace innovation and be open to sharing information and technology. Together we are stronger”. Shafigullin expressed hope that the discussions at the BRICS summit in Kazan will lead to closer cooperation among the member countries: “If our leaders share a common vision and move in the same direction, our economies will be able to develop in a coordinated manner, which will allow us to cooperate more effectively in various areas, including artificial intelligence”.



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