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Turkmenistan to Participate in the 9th Documentary Film Festival of the Turkic World

23.09.2024 | 02:30 |
 Turkmenistan to Participate in the 9th Documentary Film Festival of the Turkic World

The 9th Turkic World Documentary Film Festival has attracted considerable attention with 300 applications from nine countries, including Turkmenistan.

Other countries that submitted applications included Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Hungary and Northern Macedonia, according to Anadolu Agency.

Out of the 300 submitted works, 147 films, or nearly half, were sent for preliminary review by the jury.

The festival is organized by the Federation of Journalists of the Turkic World and supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, the International Turkic Cultural Organisation (TURKSOY), the Union of Municipalities of the Turkic World, the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency and the Directorate for Turks Abroad and Related Communities of Turkey.

The festival will be inaugurated at the TURKSOY headquarters in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, and will include the presentation of awards in various categories.

Ten films will be recognized in categories such as “feature documentary”, “short documentary” and “student documentary”.

The winners will be determined by a jury of documentary filmmakers and scholars from the Turkic world. The official event and award ceremony are scheduled for 11 October. The festival will conclude on 15 November with a closing ceremony and announcement of the final results.



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