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Turkmenistan aims to expand transport and energy ties with countries of the global South

18.08.2024 | 21:00 |
 Turkmenistan aims to expand transport and energy ties with countries of the global South

Turkmenistan aims to further expand its partnership in the field of transport and energy with countries of the global South, Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Akhmed Gurbanov said at the ministerial session of the third Voice of the Global South summit. The event, organized by the Government of India in an online format, was held on Saturday, August 17.

Akhmed Gurbanov reaffirmed Turkmenistan's position in favor of constructive cooperation based on the principles of neutrality and peaceful coexistence.

The overall theme of the summit, which brought together representatives from over 100 countries, was “Empowering the Global South for a Sustainable Future.” The goal of the event is to develop concrete proposals to deepen mutually beneficial regional cooperation and address the pressing issues of developing countries.

During the ministerial meeting, participants discussed topics of common interest, including climate change, the transition to a green economy, international trade, and transnational supply chains. A total of 123 countries participated in the online summit. There were 21 heads of state, 118 ministers and 34 foreign ministers, as well as 5 multilateral development banks. There were 10 ministerial sessions.

India is hosting the Voice of the Global South summit for the third time in a virtual format. The Global South is conventionally called the states of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Pacific islands and developing countries of Asia.



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