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The Consul of Turkmenistan in Germany took part in the Government Summer Reception of the State of Hesse

27.06.2024 | 23:55 |
 The Consul of Turkmenistan in Germany took part in the Government Summer Reception of the State of Hesse

On June 25, 2024 in Wiesbaden, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Hessian Parliament Astrid Wallmann and the Prime Minister of the federal state of Hesse Boris Rhein, the Consul of Turkmenistan in Germany (Frankfurt am Main) Murad Ozbekbayev participated in the official summer reception for the consular corps accredited in Hesse.

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During the speeches by representatives of authorities of the state of Hesse special attention was paid to the development of interaction between this federal state and foreign diplomats.

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In course of a brief conversation with the authorities of the state of Hesse, an exchange of views took place on expanding Turkmen-German relations, in particular, on promoting interregional partnership at various levels.

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Photo: Consulate of Turkmenistan in Germany

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