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“Cultural value of the Turkmen people” exhibition was held at the National Library of Ukraine for children

31.05.2024 | 12:27 |
 “Cultural value of the Turkmen people” exhibition was held at the National Library of Ukraine for children

From May 23 to May 30, 2024, an exhibition of photographs, books and national clothing entitled “Cultural value of the Turkmen people” was opened at the National Library of Ukraine for children, organized by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine in honor of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Turkmen poet and the thinker Magtymguly Fragi and the year “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi”.

During the week a large number of young readers and library visitors of different ages became acquainted with the history, architecture, culture of Turkmenistan, traditions and customs of the Turkmen people. Group excursions were held for students of eight general education and specialized schools and lyceums in Kyiv, as well as for students studying journalism.

Here they were shown and told about the archaeological monuments of Turkmenistan located on the historical route of the Great Silk Road: the cities of Ancient Merv, Kunyaurgench, the fortresses of Ancient Nisa, included in the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage List. Visitors were captivated by the modernity of Turkmen cities, the beauty and originality of national women's jewelry and clothing, the art of carpet weaving and embroidery, the elegance of Akhal-Teke celestial horses and Alabais, and the traditions of horse decoration.

Samples of national traditional women's, men's and children's clothing were shown to exhibition visitors on mannequins.

As part of the book exhibition, the attention of visitors was attracted by a new literary and artistic publication - a complete collection of translations into Ukrainian of poems by an outstanding Turkmen poet entitled “Magtymguly Fragi. Revelation”, presented in the library the day before.

The book stands also display other invaluable collections of Fragi’s poetry, translated into Ukrainian and other languages, books about the outstanding Turkmen thinker Magtymguly, as well as a unique publication – Shevchenko’s “Kobzar” in the Turkmen language.

The first book of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov “Youth is the support of the Motherland” and numerous works of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, translated into Ukrainian, as well as many other interesting literatures were presented here.


Photo: The Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine

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