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Students of the Academy of Civil Service of Turkmenistan get acquainted with public administration in China

20.05.2024 | 14:50 |
 Students of the Academy of Civil Service of Turkmenistan get acquainted with public administration in China

The 1st year student of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan Purli Rasulov, along with representatives from 56 countries of Asia, Africa and the Pacific region, takes part in a short-term seminar on public administration, which is being held at Peking University.

As part of the course, participants attend lectures by leading university professors who introduce various aspects of public administration in China. Visits to the Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the International Center for Poverty Reduction allowed participants to consolidate their theoretical knowledge. Representatives of the above-mentioned institutions acquainted the delegates with the structure and activities of the departments under their supervision and spoke about the features of the organization of work.

A listener from Turkmenistan presented the vice president of Peking University with a book “Arkadag – the City of the Future”, dedicated to the first in Central Asia “smart city” of Arkadag, as a gift.

This short-term seminar is conducted within the framework of the “East Scholarship” (Dongfang) project funded by the Peking University Education Foundation and launched in 2019. It is aimed at familiarizing them with the economic and social development of China, and forming their understanding of the methods of administration in the Celestial Kingdom.

The seminar will continue until the beginning of June.

Purli Rasulov

Photo: photo is provided by the author

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