Voting for teams participating in a competition-exhibition dedicated to the Turkmen carpet has begun in Turkmenistan
17.05.2024 | 08:55 |Voting for the teams participating in the competition-exhibition “Turkmen Carpet – National Pride” has begun in Turkmenistan.
The organizers of the exhibition are the Central Council of the Women's Union of Turkmenistan, the National Center of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan and the state association “Turkmenhaly”.
You can cast your vote for the best performances of women and girls participating in the final state round of the competition by calling the short number 0560.
Participating teams: Teams: Ezber eller (code 11), Miras (code 22), Batly daragym (code 33), Türkmeniň kalby (code 44), Nepis (code 55), Tumar (code 66), Beşir (code 77).
You can follow the voting results on the website !