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National stand of Turkmenistan at the Macfrut 2024 exhibition

08.05.2024 | 23:55 |
 National stand of Turkmenistan at the Macfrut 2024 exhibition

Macfrut 2024 is an international trade fair focused on the fruit and vegetable sector. It's happening right now, from May 8th to 10th, 2024, at the Rimini Expo Centre in Italy

USAID's Trade Central Asia (TCA) activity is supporting the participation of 8 companies from Turkmenistan namely:

Economic Society Ýigit and Individual Enterprise Arkadaş Gurluşyk specializing in the production of fresh tomatoes;

Economic Society Hilli Gaplama - fresh strawberries;

Economic Society Shaylan– dried fruits;

Economic Society Hemsaýa - apples, cherries, persimmons, bananas and almonds;

Economic Society Datly Miwe and Economic Society Miweli Atyz - almonds;

Economic Society Gök Bulut - apples, peaches, persimmons, walnuts, pistachios and almonds.


USAID's Trade Central Asia (TCA) activity has paid for the 48-square-meter booth rental, set-up, and registration fees for each company. It is expected that the participation of Turkmen companies in this exhibition will lead to:

• signing a number of agreements of intent or memorandums of understanding;

• signing of several supply agreements in the medium term;

• establishing new market connections created in premium markets;

• increasing brand awareness at the national level, as well as at the company level.

In addition, a few more words about Macfrut 2024 international exhibition. It:

Brings together professionals: It gathers producers, traders, and importers from all over the world This creates a concentrated environment for businesses to connect and potentially strike export deals.

Focuses on the entire supply chain: The event covers not just fruits and vegetables themselves, but also related equipment for processing and packaging. This allows companies involved in various parts of the export process to showcase their offerings.

Platform for innovation: Macfrut features sections dedicated to new technologies and advancements in the fruit and vegetable industry like the Innovation Hub for Healthy Food This can help exporters highlight unique features of their products that might appeal to international markets.

Overall, Macfrut 2024 provides a valuable platform for businesses involved in the fruit and vegetable trade to connect with potential export partners and showcase their products to a global audience.


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