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The nutritionist told about a benefit and a harm of nuts

25.08.2020 | 21:11 |
 The nutritionist told about a benefit and a harm of nuts

The most popular nuts among the Russians are hazelnuts, peanuts and walnuts, reported dietitian Elena Solomatina.

In an interview with Vechernaya Moskva, the specialist noted that the leader in the content of useful microelements is the walnut. In particular, it has the most protein, although this component is also present in peanuts and hazelnuts. All these types of nuts can be consumed even in the diet, as they are almost free of carbohydrates, assures the nutritionist.

The glycemic index of these products is low. Fats in them are vegetable and do not contain cholesterol, while being polyunsaturated, which has a positive effect on the condition of our nails, skin and hair, – said Solomatina.

Hazelnuts are the least calorific, but walnuts and peanuts are not much ahead of it in this indicator. According to the nutritionist, “the daily consumption rate for those who lose weight is 5-10 nuts”. If a person isn’t aimed to lose weight, he can safely eat up to 50 grams of nuts every day. Cashews and Brazil nuts are different in calories, and for those who lose weight it is better to exclude them from the diet.

Dr.Solomatina added that peanuts contain a lot of calcium, walnuts – zinc, iron and copper, and hazelnuts – manganese and potassium. Walnut is useful for anemia and vascular problems, it will help in recovery after severe chronic vascular diseases.

The nutritionist emphasized that nuts will cause harm to the body with allergic reactions, gout and the gastrointestinal tract problems, and it is dangerous to eat them for people with these indications.

But the doctor considers overseas Cashews and Brazil nuts to be the record holders in terms of calories. They contain much more oils and trace elements than other types of nuts, so you should include them in your diet very carefully.


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