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The results of the second round of the “Export activities” quiz have been summed up

01.04.2024 | 01:52 |
 The results of the second round of the “Export activities” quiz have been summed up

We are pleased to inform visitors to our website that the results of the second round of the “Export Activities” quiz, conducted by the editorial staff of ORIENT together with the USAID Central Asia Trade Program as part of the initiative to develop the export ecosystem, have been summed up.

As a result, eight leaders were identified: the first two places were taken by those who scored 28 and 25 points, respectively, out of a possible 30. Third place went to three participants in the intellectual competition, who scored 23 points each.

And since it turned out that three more contestants answered 22 questions correctly, thanks to which they took fourth place, the organizers decided to award them with incentive prizes.

We are pleased to report that among the leaders there are also representatives of the regions.

We would especially like to point out that when determining the winners, the human factor was excluded, since the correctness of the answers was determined not by the organizers, but by a special computer program.

To recreate a generalized image of the participants, we decided to conduct a statistical analysis based on the data we currently have. These are people living in different regions of the country, of different ages, professions and hobbies. As for their number, there were 22% more players in the second round than in the first. Which certainly makes us happy.

The level of knowledge of the contestants is quite high, regardless of their position and age. As for their professions, heads and employees of firms, associations, business societies, public associations, individual entrepreneurs, managers, business consultants, IT specialists, logisticians, translators, and accountants entered into competition.

The age range is quite wide - readers from 20 to 62 years old participated in the second round. In passing, we note that a greater number of correct answers were among those who were 36 years old. Although a high level of knowledge was observed in a variety of age categories.

For example, 62-year-old Batyr Berdyev from Ashgabat has just a little time left to enter the leading group. But we hope that he will continue playing and make up for lost time in the remaining two rounds. And let professional and everyday experience be his assistant.

In addition to those listed, university teachers, as well as students (mostly future economists), showed interest in the intellectual competition. And even teachers of secondary specialized educational institutions and schools - don’t be surprised, they also demonstrated knowledge that many entrepreneurs could envy (you will see this in the next publication).

Among the quiz participants there are also readers who were simply interested in testing their knowledge or enriching their horizons by working with specialized literature on this topic.

Regarding gender scales, the following must be said: in the second round there were more men than representatives of the fair half of society (63% and 37%, respectively). It’s easier to say that for every 7 girls, 12 men were opposed in the intellectual game. Although we emphasize that at the first stage the gender gap was smaller.

Where did our contestants come from?

The largest group, quite predictably, consisted of residents of Ashgabat - 67% of the total number of participants. They are followed by residents of Mary (13%) and Lebap (8.7%) regions.

Representatives of Ahal and the Balkans have more modest quantitative indicators (4.5% each). And the northern region of Turkmenistan closes the list in this category with a result of 2.2%.

Regarding the linguistic characteristics, the following can be stated: the majority preferred to formulate their answers in Russian (67%), 20% and 13% answered in Turkmen and English, respectively.

This is the collective image of our quiz participants. But something tells us that the remaining two rounds will make their own adjustments to this image.

First of all, we hope that the number of players will increase, but also that the gender scales will come into greater balance. In other words, it is time for women entrepreneurs to increase their knowledge through intellectual competition in order to boldly bring their products to international markets.

We also expect the regions of the country to become more active. The Dashoguz region has always been famous for its craftsmen, so we believe that entrepreneurs in the northern region of the country will be more active in a quiz that is useful for their activities, which can enrich their knowledge in the field of export.

We congratulate the winners, whose names you will learn in the next publication and when the award procedure will take place.



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