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Chingachgook's Favorite Treat: Did You Know?

31.07.2020 | 10:57 |
 Chingachgook's Favorite Treat: Did You Know?

This year, the International Day of Friendship, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly and celebrated on July 30th, coincided with the beginning of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha. And what, if not friendship between peoples, unites people on the planet and inspires them to get acquainted with the unknown world?

Modern communication contributes to the expansion of the boundaries of communication. For example, a creative challenge-competition “Jida unites” was announced within the framework of the educational project “Five steps to the Karakum desert”, which started this summer in Ryazan...

Anyone can take part in the competition. The main condition of the challenge is the Jida tree, against the background of which you need to make an original photo or video without resorting to Photoshop.

The fruit of the jida tree is known in the east as a natural delicacy with a delicate sweet taste. In appearance, they resemble small rounded dates. They are served for tea, used in the preparation of desserts and compotes, and jams are also made from the berries. Nothing beats the scent that a plant exudes when it blooms.

A miracle tree grows in Central Asia. In Turkmenistan, many gardeners grow noble and medicinal fruits in their gardens. At one time, the Serbian actor Goiko Mitic, who played the role of Chingachgook, and was the “people’s Indian” of the socialist camp appreciated the unforgettable taste of these berries.

The renowned actor celebrated his 80th birthday this year. And in the distant 87th Goyko discovered the amazing beauty of the nature of Turkmenistan. Picturesque views of eastern Turkmenistan on the Amu Darya River in Turkmenabat (Chardzhou), were used for filming the next film about Indians “Hunters on the Prairie of Mexico”..

One of Goyko Mitic's vivid memories of Turkmenistan was the very fruits of the jida, which ripened just at the time of filming. The actor was impressed by the coolness of the jida grove and the taste of ripe berries. Local photographer Narkula Orunov managed to capture some interesting shots from the filming and talk to a stately foreign actor who played an Indian leader.

The film also involved the actors of the Seydi Turkmenabat Music and Drama Theater, and the interethnic friendship that arose during the filming contributed to productive work. Goiko got so used to the role of his character that one day he went fishing with a shipping company mechanic, not fearing the frenzied current of the Amu Darya. The catch of the “leader of the Redskins” was a half-meter river catfish. Unfortunately, the extreme fishing episodes were not included in the main film.

And while the fruits of jida are ripening in Turkmenistan, those wishing to take part in a creative competition can take the initiative by capturing an amazing plant in their cities in a photo. According to the terms of the challenge, which will last until August 23rd, the photo next to the tree must be posted on the social network and the location must be indicated with the addition of the hashtag #jida_unites.


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