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Dmitry Chernyshenko: The first Future Games in history have taken place!

04.03.2024 | 12:13 |
 Dmitry Chernyshenko: The first Future Games in history have taken place!

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko, together with head of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, took part in the closing ceremony of the multi-sport tournament “Future Games”. It took place in Kazan in a unique format of a physical concert that brought together artists and digital performers. Movable programmable screens and projection surfaces have once again blurred the line between the real and virtual worlds.

The first international multi-sport tournament “Games of the Future” was held in Kazan from February 21 to March 3. The competition program combined 21 innovative disciplines in the phygital concept, combining classical and digital sports. More than 2,000 participants came to Kazan and formed 294 teams. The age of athletes is from 12 to 62 years.

The start of the Future Games was marked by a spectacular and high-tech Opening Ceremony. It was attended by more than 3.5 thousand athletes, guests and official delegations, including heads of foreign states. Russian President Vladimir Putin noted the importance of the innovative international tournament.

“We have always advocated the promotion of sport and its high humanistic values. The Games of the Future are our gift to the global sports family,” the head of state said during his speech at the Opening Ceremony.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko emphasized that the competition was a huge success.

“Friends, we did it! The first Future Games in history have taken place! Russia came up with and held a tournament in new sports in a format called phygital. Technological, dynamic, inspiring and very entertaining. Spectators from more than 100 countries watched the competition at the intersection of traditional and e-sports. We gave the sport an unforgettable experience with incredible competitions. “Games of the Future” has become a truly universally recognized brand in the world, and this is a huge success. Thanks to the Games, Russia has once again proven its leading role in the global sports community,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

He also thanked the athletes for their open and honest fight, and the spectators-for their support and warm atmosphere in the stands.

“And, of course, many thanks to hospitable Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan. We thank everyone who organized the services and those who provided comfort and safety for participants and spectators - you have again proven that you can do them here in Kazan at a brilliant level. And special words of gratitude to our President, Vladimir Putin. His enthusiasm, personal involvement and ability to look beyond the horizon to identify what the progressive world needs now allowed us to host this event.”

Rustam Minnikhanov noted that Kazan once again demonstrated to the world the highest level of organization of competitions.

“The Games of the Future is a unique event. First of all, I would like to note that holding such a large-scale tournament would have been impossible without the support of the leader of our country - President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The Games were given special significance by the personal participation and support of the heads of friendly countries. Thanks to our Tatarstan people for welcoming the Games participants so warmly and hospitably,” the head of Tatarstan emphasized.

The Games took place in 11 competition venues in Kazan, Innopolis and the federal territory of Sirius. The main venue of the tournament, where the opening and closing ceremonies took place, as well as many competitions, was the Kazan Expo exhibition center. The total number of spectators at the tournament sites exceeded 300 thousand people.

The winners and prize-winners of the first Games of the Future were 236 athletes from Russia, China, India, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Spain, South Korea, the Philippines, Uruguay, Ecuador, Argentina and Colombia.

Interest in the Games of the Future turned out to be comparable to the main events in the world of sports. The content distribution system includes more than 280 broadcast channels, including large international and national media holdings. During the competition, more than 800 hours of live broadcasts were organized.

More than nine countries, even before the end of the tournament, declared their desire to host it in their country.

“Kazan says goodbye to the tournament, but for the Games of the Future everything is just beginning. We pass the baton to the next countries to bring this pleasure to athletes and spectators around the world. And involve as many friends as possible in a new movement, the phygital movement. Forward to the future! " –Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

Press service of the International Economic Forum «Russia-Islamic World: KazanForum-2024»


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