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The first alternative iPhone app store will open in the EU

02.03.2024 | 16:30 |
 The first alternative iPhone app store will open in the EU

In April, the first alternative application store for the iOS platform will open in the European Union.

The beta version of the Setapp market was launched by software developer MacPaw.

Setapp for iOS will offer business software, design software, utility apps, productivity services and more.

It will be available on a subscription basis, offering users access through a single monthly subscription to more than 230-party applications. According to MacPaw product marketing manager Yaroslav Stepanenko, he promised that subscription prices will be adapted to standard subscription pricing models.

Apps already available in the store include music software n-Track Studio, project planner MindNode and productivity tool Session.

“We're pioneering a new path in the software industry toward a better and more diverse app ecosystem,” MacPaw CEO Alexander Kosovan said, adding that the company is careful in selecting its app collection.



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