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In Azerbaijan, the “burning mountain” Yanardag was included in the List of immovable monuments of history and culture

27.02.2024 | 19:33 |
 In Azerbaijan, the “burning mountain” Yanardag was included in the List of immovable monuments of history and culture

The corresponding decision was signed by the Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov, the republic's media reported on Tuesday. According to the document, the Yanardag State Historical, Cultural and Natural Reserve and the Alidashi Sanctuary in the village of Muhammedli, dating back to the 17th-18th centuries, have been added to the “Architectural Monuments” section of the List of Immovable Historical and Cultural Monuments of Local Significance.

This unique place is located on the Absheron Peninsula, 27 kilometers from Baku and translated means “burning mountain.” The eternal flame, about 10 meters wide, is fueled by natural gas coming from a large field. It is believed that this fire began to burn four thousand years ago and has never gone out.

In addition to Yanardag, there are many more similar objects in Azerbaijan, since it is a large oil and gas bearing region. Thus, back in the 13th century, during his visit to Baku, Marco Polo wrote about the numerous unquenchable fires burning around the city.

There are other natural “eternal lights” on earth, but perhaps the most famous is the Darvaza crater in Turkmenistan, exceptional photogenicity which never ceases to attract travelers from all over the world.



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