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Sports competitions among diplomats were held in Turkmenistan

11.12.2023 | 13:11 |
 Sports competitions among diplomats were held in Turkmenistan

In honor of the 28th anniversary of Turkmenistan's neutrality, sports competitions were held in Ashgabat among employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, diplomatic missions accredited in the country, and international organizations.

Diplomats competed among themselves in such sports as volleyball and chess.

As a result, Kuvvat Reyimberdiev, an employee of the US Embassy in Turkmenistan, took the first place in chess, Chingiz Kakenov, an employee of the Representative office of Kazakhstan in Turkmenistan, took the second place, and Atadurdy Bayramov, a Turkmen diplomat, Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Japan, closes the top three.

The team of the US Embassy in Turkmenistan demonstrated their skills in volleyball competitions, the second and third places went to the teams of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Russian diplomatic mission in Turkmenistan, respectively.



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