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It is planned to launch underwater train from the UAE to India

15.10.2023 | 11:37 |
 It is planned to launch underwater train from the UAE to India

The UAE is planning to build an undersea railway that will connect it with India. The project envisages that the train will pass along the bottom of the Indian Ocean at a distance of about 2000 km from the Emirati city of Fujairah to Mumbai, India.

The tunnel through which the train will move will be made of transparent materials so that passengers can enjoy views of the underwater world.

However, the goal of the project is not only to attract tourists, but also to provide economic benefits. Nowadays, a flight between these cities requires spending about 3 hours, not counting the time for registration and waiting at the airport. And the train will be able to cover this route in 2 hours, since its speed will reach 1000 km/h.

In addition, the underwater railway will speed up and reduce the cost of cargo transportation between the UAE and India. The UAE will be able to export oil to India, and India will be able to import fresh water from the Narmada River to the UAE.

The project is currently at the feasibility study stage. Its cost and timing of implementation are unknown. But judging by the fact that information about it appeared in the press, most likely the project has a chance of being implemented.


Photo: Midjourney

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