Description and regulations on the Arkadag medal are presented
02.10.2023 | 12:33 |In the central press of Turkmenistan On October 2, the Law on the establishment of a new Arkadag medal, its description and regulations on the medal were published.
The medal has the shape of a circle, in the center of which a green map of Turkmenistan is located against the background of the diverging rays of the sun. The central circle is bordered by the inscription “GURBANGULY BERDIMUHAMEDOW ADYNDAKY HOWANDARLYGA MÄTÄÇ ÇAGALARA HEMAÝAT BERMEK BOÝUNÇA HAÝYR-SAHAWAT GAZNASY”, (Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedova).
On the outside of the inner circle there is a border with Turkmen national patterns of dark blue color, and in the outer circle of the medal there are images of children holding each other’s hand in multicolored national costumes.
The total diameter of the medal is 45 mm, its thickness is 1.5 mm. It is connected to a block on which the turquoise inscription “Arkadag” is placed. The medal is made of 925 sterling silver, covered with gilding.
On the reverse side of the medal is its serial number.
The regulation on the medal states that it is a state award of Turkmenistan and was established with the aim of broad support for humane initiatives, accumulated experience, the growing international authority of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Helping Children in Need of Guardianship and awarding citizens of our country who have achieved outstanding achievements in this direction.
The Arkadag Medal can be awarded to foreign citizens and stateless persons.
The Medal of Turkmenistan “Arkadag” is awarded to doctors, teachers, educators, scientific, creative, state and public figures, as well as other citizens.
For their contribution to the successful implementation of the state humane, social policy, protection of social and household rights, health rights, legitimate interests of man and citizen;
Those who have achieved merit in the realization of the rights to decent and full participation in the life of society and the state of persons in need of guardianship, especially children;
Who have made a great contribution to the development of the social sphere, the development of the activities of public, humanitarian, charitable bodies, health authorities, voluntary bodies for the protection of the health of the people, in particular, in the provision of medical, health and rehabilitation assistance, the development of the volunteer movement;
For services in ensuring the best interests of motherhood and childhood, protecting the honor and dignity of mother and child, forming a friendly attitude towards children in society;
Those who have provided medical assistance to children in need of guardianship, in necessary cases, conducting special operations and providing other services, introducing positive experience of health and rehabilitation activities into rehabilitation and prevention;
Who have provided assistance and support for the happy life of children left without parental care, as well as in other cases of other children;
Distinguished in the organization of financial and material assistance to children in need of guardianship and youth, providing advice and methodological assistance;
Those who have provided active organizational, legislative, practical and methodological support to charitable activities, guardianship and guardianship activities, volunteer activities, the development of public organizations working in this direction, including material and financial assistance, cash, and other donations;
Distinguished in the promotion of this activity;
For services to the formation of high human qualities in the younger generation, such as devotion to the Motherland, spirituality, morality, humanity, honesty;
Who have contributed to the education of the younger generation on the basis of historical and national traditions, spiritual and moral values of the Turkmen people and achievements of world culture;
For particularly outstanding services to the State and society in the development of international cooperation in the name of the best interests of children and youth, for contribution to the recognition of this activity at the international level.
Persons awarded the Arkadag medal are awarded by the President of Turkmenistan.
Together with the medal and its certificate, a special gift is presented on behalf of the national leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan with the badge of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship.