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Turkmenistan will host six subject Olympiads for students

28.09.2023 | 17:28 |
 Turkmenistan will host six subject Olympiads for students

The traditional autumn marathon of subject Olympiads for Turkmen students is held by the International University of Humanities and Development (IUHD) with the support of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. This year, the intellectual competition will be held on November 20-25 in six areas - economics, philosophy, modern Turkmen society, specialized English, Chinese and Italian.

The registration of students who can apply for participation in one or more Olympiads has begun at IUHD. The number of applicants from each university is unlimited. You can register on the official website of the university in the academy/competitions section.

A series of Olympiads will be held in an online format alternately for six days. Each subject competition will consist of one round. The official languages of the contest are Turkmen and English.

Additional information can be obtained by e-mail .


Photo: from the Orient archive

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