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To the attention of tomato growers! Competitive selection for export promotion is announced

22.08.2023 | 00:00 |
 To the attention of tomato growers! Competitive selection for export promotion is announced

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Trade Central Asia Activity provides a unique opportunity for Turkmenistan's greenhouse producers and exporters of tomatoes to receive comprehensive agribusiness advice on growing tomatoes from the best international agro-consulting companies.

As a result of participation in this project and the proper implementation of all the recommendations of the experts, the three greenhouse complexes from Turkmenistan will be able to guarantee increased harvests by introducing the most innovative production methods.

This initiative is aimed at comprehensively increasing the potential of the greenhouse cluster (tomato producers) of Turkmenistan to facilitate their entry into new premium markets, where there are increased requirements for the quality and safety of food products.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Trade Central Asia activity announces the beginning of application process from the leading private companies (greenhouse plants) of Turkmenistan specializing in the production of tomatoes to participate in the competition, according to the results of which three (3) greenhouse plants will be selected, which will receive complex consultations on growing tomatoes from the best international consulting companies in the field of agribusiness for 8 months (approximately from September (October) 2023 to April (May) 2024).

Consultations will be provided remotely (via the Internet) and will be focused on the implementation of international best standards in the greenhouse horticulture industry in the following areas:

• Developing a daily strategy for climate control like heating, cooling, and ventilation.

• Work out the plant’s nutrition formula, based on the state of the plant and the irrigation and drain water analysis results; Work out the daily irrigation strategy.

• Planning to use plant growth regulators (such as amino acids, anti-stress agents, and other ingredients) based on the plant growth stage.

• Training of the engineering staff and workforce in the greenhouse using firsthand education methods.

• Work out the best strategy for the work organization, from planning to reporting.

• Develop a system for crop protection, from monitoring pests to the best practice to fight these pests.

• Work out the best crop strategy, with stems per M2 plan, production plan, pruning schedule, and the number of leaves required for each moment and labor planning for all actions.

• Train on establishing personal hygiene and decontamination protocols to avoid the spread of plant diseases, insects, and weed seeds through dirty clothing, shoes, and hands.

• Advises when the customer requires information for new investments or improvements of existing facilities.

• Organize regular (remote) meetings for the agronomists in the company by Internet or on-site.

• Advise on improvement of product quality and competitiveness in accordance with requirements of global food retailers and importers of fresh horticultural products.

The application can be filled out online by clicking on this link. The deadline for applying is August 31, 2023, at 18:00 Ashgabat time. The winners (no more than three companies) of the competition will be selected and informed by September 08, 2023.

If you have any questions, please call +99312 468247/49 or email

Selection criteria

(successful companies must meet the following criteria)

  1. At the time of application, the applicant company must be established no later than 2019.

  2. Be privately owned.

  3. Be an active member of the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

  4. Have a total greenhouse area of no less than 6 hectares.

  5. Have experience in exporting tomatoes (including a good understanding of all export procedures and requirements in Turkmenistan).

  6. Have an English-speaking staff (agronomists) with good computer skills and/or available translators during the period of the project.

  7. Availability of financial, administrative, and technical resources to adhere to technical advice from international agribusiness advisors.

  8. Availability of high-speed internet connection installed both in the Main office and at the production facility to able to maintain an effective level of communication with a team of international experts and strictly follow their advice.

  9. Demonstrate commitment and leadership for the implementation of innovations.

  10. have implemented the principles of any of the following international quality and food safety standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GLOBALG.A.P., or be in the process of implementation thereof.


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