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Turkmenistan supports expansion of the League of Professional Combat Sambo

27.02.2020 | 20:05 |
 Turkmenistan supports expansion of the League of Professional Combat Sambo

The corresponding declaration was signed following the results of a round table on the "Prospects for the Global Expansion of the Professional Combat SAMBO League", which took place in Sochi. The meeting which was held in the framework of the first Championship of the new League of Combat Sambo brought together representatives of continental and national federations, and also members of the international community of sambo. Turkmenistan was represented by Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee of the country Azat Myradov.

  • Today we witness realisation of our everlasting dream – establishment of the Professional League of Combat Sambo. Sambo includes several events - man's and female sports sambo, beach sambo, but combat sambo evokes in spectators the greatest interest », - President of the International Sambo Federation Vasily Shestakov noted.

The new League has a number of purposes and goals: promotion of sambo in the arena, organisation and holding of tournaments in an innovative format, and also transformation of professional combat sambo into the sport attractive to investments. In its combat version blows by hands and feet, are allowed, it uses more techniques than in sports sambo, including chokehold of the opponent. It is no wonder that possibilities for gaining points here are very high.

«Sambo is a spectacular and dynamic sport. Experts know that it was of the best elements of national kinds of struggle of the peoples of the Soviet Union», - president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin said observing the first tournament of the League.

According to President of the new League of Combat Sambo Arkady Rotenberg, new rules which should make refereeing at competitions in combat sambo fairer, and exclude possible errors of judges, have been developed.


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