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French speleologists plan to draw up maps for the Koytendag karst formations

15.06.2023 | 15:51 |
 French speleologists plan to draw up maps for the Koytendag karst formations

A group of speleologists and karstologists from the French Federation of Speleology conducted a laser study of 70% of the area of the Gulshirin cave in Koytendag to compile its virtual 3D map. Now scientists are busy studying invertebrate fauna in the karst labyrinths of the Koytendag Nature Reserve, the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper reports.

The electronic schematic map will help geologists to carry out seasonal measurements in stone dungeons, and young specialists and ordinary tourists to plan routes and train using a visual map of the caves "Kapkutan", "Gulshirin", "Hoshimoyik" and "Intermediate".

Agroecological departments of Turkmenistan in the near future plan to draw up similar maps-schemes for all karst formations of Koytendag together with French speleologists, which will provide new prospects in the discovery of these unique natural monuments.

Karst formations are mineral compounds or deposits in the form of icicles hanging in the rocky limestone of soluble caves.



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