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Musical chronicle of Victory: a concert of Turkmen artists

05.05.2023 | 19:34 |
 Musical chronicle of Victory: a concert of Turkmen artists

"Music of Victory" was held at the Conservatory, which gathered veterans of the country and Ashgabat music lovers for a festive concert on the eve of May 9. The evening of songs dedicated to the Great Patriotic War has already become a good tradition and took place on May 3 in the great hall of the Maya Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory.


Musical compositions of the war years - "Blue handkerchief", "Pre-war waltz", "Holy War", "And the dawns are quiet here", "Officers", "Cranes", "Darkie", "Katyusha", "May Waltz" seemed to transfer the guests gathered in the hall to the distant 1941-1945. Listening to these songs – sad, lyrical and joyful, the veterans seemed to be leafing through a book of memory, each page of which keeps a chronicle of the history of the war.

The festive program was attended by students and teachers of TNC, as well as famous musicians, artists, singers and vocalists: Atageldy Garyagdyyev, Atajan Berdyyev, Vladimir Mkrtumov, Meylis Muratgeldyyev, Begench Gayypov, Tylla Saryyeva, Bahar Durdyyeva, Dovran Shammyyev and many others.


They also performed songs by Turkmen composers - Nury Halmammedov "Esgeriñatlamasy", Aman Agajikov "Mirasdary" from the movie "Mirasdar", Suhan Tuylyiev "Uruşdan gelmedik agam". The song "Return the memory" was sung by Bahar Durdyyeva in a particularly touching way. The work of the authors Maral Yagshiyeva and Maria Zakharova plunged the audience into memories.


A festive and very heartfelt musical gift turned out, which was prepared by the children and grandchildren of teachers and students of the conservatory – they cheerfully and fervently sang the song "A soldier is walking through the city", and immediately after the performance, young artists with flowers descended into the hall and congratulated the veterans.


The concert program was decorated with video and photo installations, as well as dance numbers and poetry readings. Konstantin Simonov's lines "Wait for me" performed by Ekaterina Darchia sounded especially heartfelt. The musical accompaniment of the piano (Elena Arakelyan) and duduka (Kakajan Hudayberdyyev) created a warm and sincere atmosphere.

The concert ended with the traditional performance of the song "Victory Day", which the artists sang together with the audience.

Mivegozel Saparmyradova

Photo: TNC

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