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Who has the right to receive free housing from the state in Turkmenistan?

12.04.2023 | 17:37 |
 Who has the right to receive free housing from the state in Turkmenistan?

Social construction in Turkmenistan is gaining momentum. In the next 5 years, the country's housing stock will be significantly replenished with large complexes of residential buildings, apartment buildings and cottages. Not just districts or neighborhoods are put into operation, but entire cities.

Given the socially-oriented nature of state policy, we can safely say that the new facilities that will appear in the near future will please ordinary citizens applying for housing from the state.

Obtaining a house or apartment from the State housing fund is based on the Housing Code of Turkmenistan. It is he who regulates and gives the key definitions of the categories of persons who need an apartment from the state. Also, this bill forms the processes related to the procedure for registering persons in need of housing and sets legal norms related to the field of social security.

In this article, ORIENT will talk about those categories of persons who can safely apply for such state assistance as obtaining an apartment from the country's housing stock.

In order to begin acquainting with this topic, it should be noted that the state can provide housing on the basis of two reasons. The first is the demolition of a private dwelling, the second is on the list of those in need.

According to the current legislation, in the event that the owner's housing was demolished for state or public needs, then he and his family members are provided with another equally well-maintained dwelling in return or compensation is paid in the amount of the cost of the demolished housing. The payment procedure is established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

Also, instead of the demolished house and the adjacent economic objects, they can allocate a plot of land and pay compensation, which will go to the construction of new housing. At the same time, temporary residential premises are provided for the construction of individual housing under the terms of the lease agreement for a period of no more than three years.

The second way to get an apartment from the public housing stock, as noted above, is to register accordingly. The right to receive housing from the state is enjoyed by any citizen of the country who needs to improve their living conditions. Every citizen has the right to receive only one dwelling.

Those who are recognized as needy are those who:

— lives for a long time under a sublease agreement in a residential building owned by the state or a private person,

— permanently resides in the hostel, except for students,

— lives in a house in which each tenant has less than nine square meters of living space;

— lives with two or more families in one or adjacent rooms, and a family with children of different sexes;

— is ill or lives with a patient with severe forms of diseases, the list of which is determined by the legislation of Turkmenistan;

— lives in premises that do not meet the established sanitary standards;

The following groups of citizens have the right to improve housing conditions:

— veterans of the Great Patriotic War, input of dead soldiers, veterans of military operations and veterans-home front workers during the Great Patriotic War,

— disabled people of groups I and II, disabled mothers, parents with disabled children,

— persons who have been in the care of disabled children since childhood,

— complete orphans,

— persons raising four or more children,

— family members of the deceased during the performance of official duties, saving human lives, protecting the order, from a radiation disaster and its consequences,

— dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit, as well as for health reasons and in connection with organizational and staff activities, if the service life is more than 10 years,

— the only parent raising minor children.

It is noteworthy that the improvement of housing conditions involves the modernization or comprehensive reconstruction of existing housing. For example, through the construction of additional residential premises.

Registration of citizens in need of new housing is carried out at their place of residence by executive authorities. The requirement of additional documents, other than those defined by the current legislation, is not allowed. At the same time, citizens must fill out an application, which is considered within a month. Further, the applicant is notified in writing about the registration or rejection of the application.

A citizen may be denied registration for housing if he has deliberately worsened his living conditions over the past five years in the following way:

— Housing exchange,

— destruction or damage through their own fault,

— intentional living in a house with poor conditions,

— the settlement of other persons, except close family members.

The reasons for de-registration may be:

— the citizen has lost the grounds for obtaining housing,

— a citizen moved to live in another locality,

— the citizen provided incorrect information when registering,

— a citizen has started to build his own residential building or has acquired ownership of some other one.

Citizens receive housing according to the order in the list compiled with the participation of the public. Local executive authorities are responsible for the immutability of the list.

It is worth considering that all citizens in this list are divided into three categories: the first — persons entitled to housing (general list), the second — persons entitled to priority housing and the third — persons entitled to extraordinary housing.

The law insists that everyone is equal on the list, no one can enjoy any advantages. The distribution of housing is carried out by local executive authorities. The lists are based on a fixed fee: they contain information about the order and time of provision of residential premises.

Who has the right to receive housing as a priority?

— Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, widows and widowers of participants of the Great Patriotic War, participants of military operations on the territory of other states, veterans-home front workers,

— heroes of Turkmenistan, heroes of the USSR and Socialist labor, persons awarded the Order of "Altyn Asyr" of three degrees,

— disabled persons of groups I and II who have received disability as a result of occupational disease, injury, injury or injury related to work or military service,

— families of the deceased in the line of duty,

— seriously ill,

— victims of a radiation disaster,

— mothers awarded the honorary title of "Ene Myahri" of Turkmenistan, as well as single mothers raising 4 or more children,

— families with twin children,

— workers and employees with significant work experience by the decision of the labor collectives of enterprises,

— teachers and teaching staff of secondary and secondary vocational education,

— complete orphans.

Who has the right to receive extraordinary housing?

— citizens whose housing has become unusable as a result of a natural disaster,

— participants of the Great Patriotic War and persons who were disabled in combat operations on the territory of other states,

— disabled members of the deceased participants of the Great Patriotic War,

— persons who have returned from the orphanage, who have retained ownership of the former housing. But the move is not legally possible,

— disabled children in inpatient institutions left without parental care, if upon reaching the age of majority they will be able to lead an independent lifestyle,

— persons who have completed their studies and are sent to work for distribution to another locality,

— illegally convicted and acquitted citizens who cannot legally return their former housing.

Note: a veteran of the Great Patriotic War is a direct participant in hostilities or a home front worker. A participant in the Great Patriotic War is someone who in one form or another participated in combat operations and in logistical work.

It is worth noting that people with disabilities are given a choice in the issue of landscaping and the type of new house, as well as an additional room in addition to the basic ones. On average, each person should rely on at least 12 square meters of living space.

Immediately after the citizen's turn to receive housing has reached, he is given an order for an isolated dwelling in a new house after the approval of the act of the state commission on the acceptance of the house into operation.



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