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The President of Turkmenistan received the CIS Secretary General

24.03.2023 | 22:56 |
 The President of Turkmenistan received the CIS Secretary General

On Friday, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Sergei Lebedev, who heads the Mission of Observers from the CIS in the elections to the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.

Lebedev informed the head of state about the activities of the Mission and noted that all conditions have been created in Turkmenistan for the effective work of international observers. He said that the election campaign is taking place at a high organizational level, with the interested participation of citizens, in conditions of openness, transparency of processes, and expressing confidence in the success of the upcoming elections.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Sergey Lebedev also considered important issues of cooperation in the Commonwealth format. As noted, Turkmenistan, being an associate member of the CIS, actively participates in its affairs and activities, makes a positive contribution to strengthening the role of the Commonwealth in the regional and international arena.

In the context of the topic of the initiative position of Turkmenistan in the development of partnerships in the CIS, its proposals were touched upon to stimulate ties in various fields, from the economy and trade, energy, transport, communications and telecommunications to scientific, educational, cultural and humanitarian areas, including sports and environmental. Interaction in ensuring peace, security and stability also remains a priority.

Noting that neutral Turkmenistan sincerely values the traditional relations of friendship and good neighborliness with all Commonwealth countries and intends to strengthen the constructive dialogue, Serdar Berdimuhamedov thanked the CIS Secretary General for the effective coordination of interstate cooperation.



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