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Sergey Lebedev highly appreciated the preparations for the parliamentary elections in Turkmenistan

23.03.2023 | 17:14 |
 Sergey Lebedev highly appreciated the preparations for the parliamentary elections in Turkmenistan

The head of the CIS Observer Mission, CIS Secretary General Sergey Lebedev highly appreciated the preparations for the parliamentary elections in Turkmenistan, which will be held on March 26, TASS reports.

"Preparations for the elections to the Mejlis of Turkmenistan are well organized and are taking place at a high level," he told reporters after a meeting with Chairman of the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan Gulmurad Muradov.

Lebedev also noted the decent equipment of polling stations with the necessary information materials, organized coverage of the election campaign in the media, including biographies of candidates and their election programs.

"All this allows us to conclude now that the voters of Turkmenistan receive a sufficient amount of information in order to make the right choice," he concluded.

During the meeting with the head of the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan, Sergey Lebedev expressed confidence that the upcoming parliamentary elections will once again demonstrate the socio-political activity of the country's citizens.



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